Welcome to the Culture of Voting!
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The National Voting Rights Conference is purposed to gather local and state voting rights advocates and activists from across the nation, especially those of the Deep South, to plan and strategize coordinated work to continue to educate, mobilize and support voters of color for the upcoming election cycles. In recognition of the 56th Anniversary of the effective date of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) and the new massive threats confronting African American, Latino, Asian and Native American voters in the wake of State enacted voter suppression laws and practices, Lift Our Vote and partner organizations are sponsoring a National Voting Rights Conference on August 6th and 7th, 2021, to formulate a major plan of action to fulfill the seminal goals of the VRA for a robust and inclusive American Democracy.
The need for this conference is made more urgent by quickly approaching municipal, state, and federal election seasons. Without new intervention strategies, the African American vote can see even greater setbacks in 2022. “As of March 24th, legislators have introduced 361 bills with restrictive provisions in 47 states. That is 108 more than the 253 restrictive bills tallied as of February 19, 2021 — a 43 percent increase in little more than a month”. Cited Link 11Even though there was an uptick in the General 2020 election participation by all of the voting populations, there is no guarantee that this trend will continue into the 2022 elections without strong and concerted advocacy and voter support by local, state, regional and national advocates.
The many lessons learned from the great work done in maximizing minority voter engagement in the 2020 General elections and the GA Senate RunOff elections will serve as guideposts for replicating these successes and instituting new and innovative programs for 2022. As society flourishes, we intend to foster a life-long commitment to the voting and electoral processes by creating a culture of voting that upholds the accountability of representatives and non-elected bureaucratic administrators as public servants who emerge from this civic-oriented society and who speak, act, and govern from this perspective.
Conference attendees will consist of high-level conveners representing our various affiliate organizations, including the faith-based communities, the unions, civil rights activists, legal coalitions, youth delegation, grassroots organizers, lawmakers and more. As a participant of the NVRC, you will engage in educational presentations, strategizing discussions, and organizing work sessions. Participants will walk away with tools and resources needed to mobilize their states and communities in preparation for the 2022 election cycle.
The conference is free for all attendees. Some sessions of this conference will be available online for viewers unable to travel to DC or personally attend.
Masks will be required for all attendees, we will not ask for vaccination status, we just require that everyone #MaskItUp. Masks will be available at check-in for those who may have forgotten theirs. Touchless temperature scans will be taken at registration. Sanitizer will be made available.
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided at no charge. Meals will be grab and go and pre-wrapped in original packaging to ensure for extended health measures.
Follow our social media partners on FB at Transformative Justice Coalition for access to the live stream sessions on August 6 & 7 and the National Broadcast on August 6.
It's not too late for you to join our list of 2021 National Voting Rights Conference partners! Email us at admin@liftourvote.com We have 2 levels...
Level 1- Sponsoring Partner- To achieve Sponsoring Partner, we request a minimum donation of $5000 that will be used to offset conference costs
Level 2- Supporting Partner- To achieve Supporting Partner, we request that you commit at least 2 members from your org to attend the Conference as participants or presenters.
Transformative Justice Coalition
We are grateful to our Host Partner, TJC, for welcoming us to their headquarters in DC!
Leadership Conference Education Fund
Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
The People's Agenda
Several State Conferences of NAACP
Concerned Black Men of America
Alliance of Concerned Men
Rainbow Push Coalition
Public Citizen
National Bar Association YLD
National Association of Black Journalists
The Daniel Initiative
Our Black Truth
United Black Wall Street
Friday, August 6
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Registration/ Check In/ Light Breakfast Bar
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM General Assembly Welcome, Special Guests Recognition
Daryl Jones, Esq., Board Chair, Transformative Justice Coalition
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM General Assembly Session
Progress Forward: What kind of movement is needed
This panel will explore best strategies to propel the movement to protect Voters and Free the Vote. We will discuss best practices for Voter engagement through legislation, litigation, policy, and direct action.
Facilitated By: Dr. Barbara Arnwine, Transformative Justice Coalition
Panelists: Marcia Johnson Blanco, Lawyer’s Committee, Ashley Lee, National Bar Association YLD; Breon Wells, The Daniel Initiative; Tanya Clay House, Senior Program Officer, State Infrastructure Fund
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Good Trouble Awards & Luncheon
Sponsored By: Lift Our Vote and Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Track Sessions
Track A- Movement Men
This panel will highlight the role that men are playing on the frontline of the battles for social justice, areas in communities of color that need more of a strong showing, and ways men can better engage and be engaged in their own neighborhoods.
Facilitated By: Daryl Jones, Transformative Justice Coalition
Panelists: Terrance Staley, Alliance of Concerned Men; Pastor Dr. Larry Davidson, Lift Our Vote; Michael Thompson, Our Black Truth; Rev. Ken Dukes, Activist, Defendant in Shelby v. Holder case; Karen McCrae, Concerned Black Men of America
Conference Room
Track B- Media Mobilization: Using traditional and digital means to mobilize
This panel will explore best strategies to propel the movement to protect Voters and Free the Vote through the media and effective messaging.
Facilitated By: Cheryl Smith, NABJ Board Member and Publisher - I Messenger Media
Panelists: Dr. E. Faye Williams, Radio host, Columnist, Attorney, Activist; Rev. Glencie Rhedrick, Speakin in the Key of We; Tia Mitchell, AJC Political Reporter
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Closing General Assembly Working Session/ Session Updates
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Dinner & Sightseeing on your own
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Good Trouble National Broadcast & Rally for Voting Rights
Transformative Justice Coalition Headquarters- 1816 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
On the Grounds of the Thurgood Marshall Trust Center
Saturday, August 7
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Registration/ Check In/ Light Breakfast Bar
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Networking & Welcome
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM General Assembly Session
Young, Gifted, and Ready
This panel consists of Gen Z and Millennial leaders who are ready to step into their purpose and allow their gifts to make room for them. They will discuss how they are finding power in their passion and highlight creative tactics for new age organizing.
Facilitated By: Kienna Childs Alexander, National Council of Negro Women
Panelists: Tishan Weerasooriya, Sierra Club; Shanaya Daughtery, Gen Z Author & Voting Rights Activist; Cameron Barnes, Rainbow Push Coalition
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Lunch & Presentation: How to Organize in Unrest
Sponsored By: Transformative Justice Coalition
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Track Sessions
Track A- The Heart of the Matter: Role of the Black Woman & The Path Forward in 2022
Join us for the closing session of the 2021 National Voting Rights Conference, "Free The Vote", as a group of leading women that not only have a heart for social justice work, but are not afraid to get to the heart of the matter, sit down and discuss issues like policing reform, CRT, mis- and dis-education, healthcare, and voting rights
Facilitated By: Jessica Fortune Barker, Lift Our Vote
Panelists: Helen Butler, Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda; LaTosha Brown, Black Voters Matter; Barbara Arnwine, Transformative Justice Coalition
Track B- Vote Peace
This panel will highlight the many issues presenting the greatest challenges in communities of color and present solutions to community plagues using hip hop, culture, the arts, and other unconventional methods to secure the engagement and participation of Voters heading into 2022
Facilitated By: Tim McClure, United Black Wall Street
Panelists: Andreas, Public Enemy; Cricc 720, Artist & Activist; Fleetwood, HomeboyHotline.org
Conference Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Closing General Assembly Working Session/ Session Updates
Join Lift Our Vote, partners, and friends as we roll into Selma, AL to commemorate the 60th Selma to Montgomery Bridge Crossing & Jubilee.
Register to join the movement!
or call us at 256-701-4182!